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Stop Procrastinating: 3 Simple Steps to Get on Top of Your Decluttering Nightmare!

Have you ever walked through the door and been greeted by a forgotten mess practically yelling, “Surprise!”? Maybe you were prepping for a girl’s night out and left a mountain of clothes piling up like it’s planning to take over your room. Sure, you might think, “I can’t be bothered” or “I’ll deal with it tomorrow,” but let’s be real—tomorrow you’ll be saying the same thing.

While the looming thought of tackling that mess might dampen your mood, by applying our top decluttering tips in a simple yet effective manner, you can transform both your mindset and your home.

1. Start Small

Don’t think you have to clean everything in your home space all at once. It’s best to start with one area or even place certain things you want to clean into categories. For example, start with cleaning your bedroom or start by wiping all the commonly used surfaces in your home such as the kitchen bench and dining table.

2. Three Box Method

The three box method is particularly useful when de-cluttering or if your trying to make more space for new things. Simply separate clothes and items into three different categories; trash, donate and keep. This simple yet effective method is sure to clean our unnecessary items and clutter in no time.

3. Daily Doses

For those with busy schedules, try incorporating a daily cleaning routine. Begin with something manageable, such as folding one load of laundry every day. By continuously aiming to complete at least one task per day, it will likely become part of your subconscious daily routine, making cleaning seem almost effortless.

These simple steps are sure to help you bring both order and peace to your space, meaning mess and clutter is no longer an afterthought.