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Deep clean deep meaning

Yes cleaning can suck, there’s no point in arguing that. That’s why we’ve put together a couple of top tips to help you get that cleaning fix and get on top of chores you may have forgotten to go over before.


Set a routine:

That’s right folks, you ever heard of robot mode? It’s practically when you train your body – or have muscle memory for common tasks you undertake. By always starting your cleaning routine with wiping down the kitchen bench, it will start to become a natural habit throughout the day, such as wiping down the bench before and after preparing a meal.


Daily tasks:

Don’t overdo it. Start simple with what you think will help clear the space the most, whether it be vigorous scrubbing on surfaces or simply tidying and putting away things.


Bedroom clean

Yes… we’re keeping it clean with a few simple things. First, make the bed. We know it’s tempting to get back in and catch up on a few more hours rest, but if you make the bed right away you’re more likely to have a positive and more productive start to the day. Give the room a little spritz of your favourite scent and open a window or too to let the natural light in and kills invisible dust and odours we can’t see.


Weekly, Monthly and Annual:

Just like the daily tasks, figure out what type of cleaning would be best for you to do on a daily or weekly basis and monthly. It could go something like this: weekly – vacuum and mop, monthly – clean outside of windows and cars, and well we’ve already covered daily. But, for annual we’ll save that for that big clean whether it be before the holiday season, birthdays or just preparing to entertain, an annual clean is big job where you’ll clean any spot of the house you lay your eyes on, a rare yet probably needed occasion.



Full disclosure, it’s probably the most important thing you should be doing. Keep yourself and the fam happy and healthy by reducing the number of bad bacteria that can grow in your home. It may be a no brainer for some, but for others – wash your hands and sanitise your hands and spaces with disinfectant any chance you get.


Now, roll up those sleeves and let the cleaning spree begin!